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Be part of the most connected real estate group

Discover the Power of Genuine Leads

Join LJ Hooker for Exclusive Access to over 10,000 Seller Leads generated for our network annually. Plus, instant access to our new Acceler8 platform, that will streamline your marketing in a few clicks.

Become part of our vibrant community where recruitment assistance is just the beginning. Experience unparalleled growth strategies and direct support from our dedicated team.

At LJ Hooker, growth isn't just a goal, it's our passion. Elevate your real estate aspirations with us today.

Accelerate your Success

Complete your contact details for a confidential chat with our experienced strategic growth specialists

Why LJ Hooker?

96 years. 400 offices. 4000 people. 1 iconic brand.

We empower people to achieve more than they ever imagined, taking them places they never thought possible.

Established in 1928, LJ Hooker has grown to become Australia’s most iconic real estate network*.

Supporting this #1 position, LJ Hooker has consecutively won Real Estate Business’ Australian Major Network of the Year, Marketing and Digital Network of the Year, and Training and Education Program of the Year.

*Qualtrics, 2021

Two top business owners share their story

The LJ Hooker group is proud to have welcomed a 4th generation family business to our
powerhouse brand. After 83 years as an independent agency, the business owners, Tony
and Peter, realised they were missing out on opportunities to attract new clients who were
seeking a recognised and trusted brand.

Since joining the LJ Hooker Group they’ve seen a significant increase in the sales income,
as well as attracting new agents and converting leads from our Always On lead
generation campaign.

Hear about the experience in their own words in the video.

Our Strategy

As LJ Hooker approaches its centenary in 2028, we’ve set our strategy for significant and sustainable growth.
This strategy is called LJH100, and our vision is to be Australia and New Zealand’s most profitable at-scale network to lead the industry into the next 100 years.
Being profitable means we can reinvest back into our people, innovation, growth, performance, training, events, and fun, to create our exciting future together.
At-scale means we can negotiate valuable enterprise agreements, create greater internal referral opportunities for our offices and their teams, and impact and influence industry decisions to take a true leadership position.

Acceler8 The Way You Work

A competitive marketing automation ecosystem build for all Property, Office and Agent Marketing . Acceler8 was developed in partnership with leading martech organisations such as Canva, Hubpsot and Google My Business. It simplifies marketing for real estate professionals, giving them more time to focus on listing, selling, and building long lasting client relationships.

It gives LJ hooker the “Always on” Brand presence and Brand consistency that makes us one of Australia most Iconic real estate Brand.

office results

Our Monthly Highlights

agent results stats
Total Leads
Share of Voice
Total Social Impressions
Total Website Visitors
Support requests solved
Content Article-Coastal 6

How we can help you

Our goal is to continuously add value to our customers  through our expertise in marketing and corporate affairs, support, compliance, business intelligence and operations. 
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Systems Training

See what the properties around you are worth

Discover recently sold properties in your suburb, as well as Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.

Meet the Strategic Growth Team

Testimonial Slider

We're ahead of the competition

Steve Mutton - GM Network Australia

In today's ever changing real estate world, having the ability to access a learning and development environment such as Lighthouse, puts all of our LJ Hooker family ahead of the competition. We look forward to supporting your learning journey and welcome your feedback.

Steve Mutton - GM Network Australia

#1 Share of Voice

Sarah Dickson - GM, Corporate Affairs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

Sarah Dickson - GM, Corporate Affairs

Antonio Licata

Strategic Growth Manager 

All conversations with our team are confidential 

Call Antonio |  Email Antonio

Connect with Antonio on LinkedIn

David Cutler

State Manager 

All conversations with our team are confidential 

Call David |  Email David

Connect with David on LinkedIn

Bill Dimou

State Manager 

All conversations with our team are confidential 

Call Bill |  Email Bill

Connect with Bill on LinkedIn

Chris Keating

Head of Network Australia

All conversations with our team are confidential 
Call Chris    |  Email Chris

Connect with Chris on LinkedIn

Jarita Rayasam

Head of Operations Strategic Growth Australia & New Zealand

All conversations with our team are confidential 
  Email Jarita

Connect with Jarita on LinkedIn

Unlock Your Potential with LJ Hooker

How LJ Hooker is Driving Marketing Innovation for Real Estate Success

In the third of a four-part series, LJ Hooker Group CEO Christine Mikhael shares how sophisticated marketing capabilities can be the difference between going it alone and unlocking the power of a trusted, leading network.

Read the full series below

Nurturing Talent from Day One and Cultivating a Culture of Excellence
Nurturing Talent from Day One and Cultivating a Culture of Excellence
In the first of a four-part series, LJ Hooker Group CEO Christine Mikhael, shares valuable leadership insights around nurturing and supporting talent as part of a business growth strategy. The LJ Hooker Group comprises three brands, LJ Hooker and Atlas in Australia and LJ Hooker and Harveys in New Zealand.
Read more
From Independent to Empowered: Transform Your Business with LJ Hooker
Discover how LJ Hooker empowers independent business owners to achieve greater profitability and growth through a supportive network. Learn about the benefits of joining LJ Hooker for scaling your business and gaining critical support.
Read more
From Agent to Entrepreneur: Who Is Coaching You Through the Journey?
From Agent to Entrepreneur: Who Is Coaching You Through the Journey?
In a three-part series Christine Mikhael, CEO of the LJ Hooker Group, shares firsthand experience for agents and independents to navigate business challenges and to accelerate their success.  
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